Hmmm... just back into this time line long enough to talk about....

Danielle Dax was a goth/punk/experimental musician and producer from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. After a brief stint in a band called
The Lemon Kittens, Dax broke off and embarked on a solo career, recording and producing "Pop-Eyes"(1982), "Jesus Egg That Wept" (1984), and "Inky Bloaters" (1987) on her own label, Awesome Records. In 1988, she signed with Sire Records, which released her double album "Dark Adapted Eye. “

She made her sole film appearance as "
the naked wolfgirl who comes out of the well and slinks around" in Neil Jordan's
The Company of Wolves. Her last two releases, in 1995, were a compilation appropriately titled
Comatose Non Reaction: The Thwarted Pop Career of Danielle Dax, and an EP of new material called
Timber Tongue EP. Although officially retired from music she did make a live appearance earlier this year reading poetry over the soundscapes of her longtime partner David Knight.

I first became aware of her through the cover doddle she did for Robert Fripp's "
League of Gentlemen" LP (as such things were called back in the 1970's).

A explanation for the name of her record label, "Biter of Thorpe", comes from this
'Ah, Biter of Thorpe' she laughs, 'that was my nick-name at infant school. I went to Thorpe junior school, or Greenways as it was also known as, and I used to fight all the time - I used to feel bad about it; every Monday I would think 'Right, I'm not going to get into any trouble,' and I always got into trouble, I was always going to the Headmistress. `Once a boy called Steven Gandey gave me a Valentine's sticker, which a girl then stole from me, so I bit her on the arm.' she laughs, 'I was only about six or seven at the time, and there was a great big hoo-haa about it, and her mum came to the school and there was a big argument. And after that I was called
the Biter of Thorpe!'
A clip of 'Pariah':
Danielle Dax Home Page
She recently released the live DVD, “Bad Miss M”